March 06, 2019

Summary: Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller gives customers insights to Pooki’s Mahi® upcoming product releases by adding promotions, product replenishment schedules and new product launch campaigns on the company’s Facebook page.

San Francisco, CA March 6th, 2019 

Silicon Valley startup Pooki’s Mahi® announced today Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller gives customers insights to the company’s product releases by adding promotions, product replenishment schedules and new product launch campaigns on the company’s Facebook page.

Pooki’s Mahi Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller, “Pooki’s Mahi does not outsource IP like Komo Kitty℠ services, infrastructure code development, or product development for new product lines. I’ve implemented transparency into Pooki’s Mahi performance-driven culture. Consolidating red carpet events, campaigns for new product launches, promotions and passion projects into one calendar on Facebook provides insight into what Pooki’s Mahi is working to deliver to customers. A holistic calendar with editorial, new product roadshows, company holidays and changes to shipping schedules drives consistent messaging. Pooki’s Mahi actively interacts with relevant customers on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and LinkedIn. I’ve seen faster conversion rates from customers who found us on Google.”

The Silicon Valley technology executive explains, “Facebook and Instagram were the first social media platforms to protect my IP and brands from cyber-criminals pretending to be Pooki’s Mahi or Matcha Matcha Man. People irritate me. I’m always disappointed in firms that resort to aggressive sales engagement strategies or cyber-criminal activities like scraping company emails for email campaigns. Unauthorized firms or individuals scrape Pooki’s Mahi sites for special discount codes. Individuals upload promotional codes to multiple coupon sites. New customers are shocked when discount codes do not work and bully Pooki’s Mahi customer team into shipping a free box of 100% Kona coffee pods. Pooki’s Mahi consistently sells out inventory. I’m in the business to make money and reject aggressive discounts for Pooki’s Mahi 100% Kona coffee capsules. Affiliate marketers, bloggers, and social media influencers are not authorized resellers.”

“Pooki’s Mahi is my passion project. I have expectations of myself and consistently exceed goals. I expect approved suppliers, vendors in Pooki’s Mahi supply chain to deliver against my high expectations. Wow me. Pooki’s Mahi recurring customers have high expectations for our line of luxury 100% Kona coffee pods, Kafpresso™ Kona coffee capsules, Matcha Matcha Man® tea capsules, and Komo Kitty℠ private label services,” chuckles Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller.

Customers discover Pooki’s Mahi luxury line of 100% Kona coffee pods, Matcha Matcha Man tea capsules through Facebook or Google. The Silicon Valley technology executive is transparent with existing customers. Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller consolidates events, holiday shipping schedules, or changes to product replenishment schedules on Facebook and Google. Pooki’s Mahi protects Pooki’s Mahi global brands by controlling product messaging through approved channels. Transparency provides customers updates to new product launches, upcoming promotions and enables operational efficiencies for Pooki’s Mahi. Leveraging Facebook and Google platforms eliminates complex product messaging written by unauthorized members like bloggers or affiliate marketing.

Pooki’s Mahi strict processes protect 150+ global brands. Individuals like bloggers and affiliate marketers are not unauthorized to market Pooki’s Mahi products. Bloggers will write incorrect information about Pooki’s Mahi products such as clarifying the number of Kona coffee pods shipped per package. Pooki’s Mahi spends several hours per week with new customers resetting customer expectations.

Previous efforts to consolidate product message for new product launches or changes to shipping schedules did not prevent unauthorized individuals from tricking new customers like sharing incorrect promotional codes. Pooki’s Mahi operations team refuses to fulfill unpaid orders. Pooki’s Mahi would lose an average of $250 per box to fulfill outstanding orders.

Pooki’s Mahi follows strict processes designed by Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller. The Silicon Valley technology executive actively protects Pooki’s Mahi brand of luxe coffee and tea capsules from businesses engaged in cyber-criminal activities such as stealing Pooki’s Mahi UPCs, creating fake news, phishing expeditions and false advertisements.

Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller’s passion project, Pooki’s Mahi Komo Kitty℠ Project measures brand discovery, customer engagement and sales conversions by referring platform. The Silicon Valley technology executive reviewed options to protect Pooki’s Mahi brands and IP. Her time managing product inspired Pooki's Mahi high energy Founder/CEO launches for Fortune 500 technology companies based in Silicon Valley. A consolidated calendar of editorial, new product launch events, product updates, company holidays, red carpet events, promotional campaigns, and shipping delays drove consistent messaging. Founder/CEO Leslie Magalay-Zeller identified several data patterns from Pooki’s Mahi existing customers. Consolidating the Silicon Valley’s go-to-market calendar of events, new products launches editorial and product updates on Facebook and Google improved engagement and sales conversions.

Pooki’s Mahi coffee subscription and wholesale reseller platforms received more relevant customers from Facebook, Instagram, and Google. Customers referred through Facebook, Instagram and Google purchased multiple subscriptions to Pooki’s Mahi 100% Kona coffee capsules or Matcha Matcha Man® tea capsules. Pooki’s Mahi has strong relationships with existing customers and brand advocates. VIP customers regularly interact with Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller on new product launches, Pooki’s Mahi roadmap and red carpet events introducing Komo Kitty℠ product services or luxe coffee capsules.

Pooki’s Mahi customers are very savvy on Facebook and Instagram.

A holistic view of events and messaging shared by Pooki’s Mahi Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller was inspired by her time at Fortune 500 cloud computing and SaaS companies leading product launch teams. Successful teams were given tools like a holistic view of events and messaging from company executives. Pooki’s Mahi does not have a sales team. Founder/CEO, Leslie Magsalay-Zeller passion project, is Pooki's Mahi. The performance-driven technology executives drive better customer engagement by providing insight into her passions through social media.

Pooki’s Mahi Facebook events and Google events pages will have the company’s meets like gift suites for red carpet events, roadshows for private label customers, new product launches, holidays, shipping challenges or product replenishment schedules. Customers can also find upcoming offers, promotions and sales campaigns on Facebook and Pooki’s Mahi Google pages. Facebook and Instagram were the first social media platforms to protect Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller brands and IP like Pooki’s Mahi and Matcha Matcha Man.

Pooki’s Mahi events, new product launches, product transitions, and shipping delays and red carpet events can be viewed on Facebook and Google. Updates to Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller passion projects like Komo Kitty℠ private label services, Kafpresso™ capsules or MeowHattan™ Project are also available to customers. Upcoming offers, promotions, and sales campaigns are also available.


Customers can expect to find on Pooki’s Mahi Facebook or Google’s events page:

  • Campaigns and future promotions to Kona coffee for savings.
  • Product replenishment updates and shipping schedules.
  • Holidays or non-standard schedule impacting fulfilling orders.
  • Special discounts with links to product pages for easily check out for select channels such as Pooki’s Mahi, Google, Walmart, and Albertsons.
  • Complimentary product samples reserved for larger resellers or VIP customers with an active six-month coffee subscription or distributor reseller membership.
  • VIP customers are limited to one box and will receive one package of each new product launch.
  • Product samples are not available for new product launches to new customers.


          The Silicon Valley-based food and beverage brand have grown without a loan or venture funding. Pooki’s Mahi Founder/CEO takes a high tech approach to develop and launch new products. The technology executive continues to build and improve architecture to support existing ecommerce platforms. Leslie Magsalay-Zeller designs introduce Pooki’s Mahi® product lines and continues to update technology platforms supporting multiple channels. The Silicon Valley startup is focused on manufacturing expensive 100% single origin specialty coffee under its Kona KaKao™, Kafpresso, and Kona Kafpresso brands; as well as Matcha Matcha Man® tea pods.

          Kafpresso™ coffee capsules are not the same as 100% Kona coffee for Keurig 1.0 and 2.0 single serve coffee makers. Pooki's Mahi®,Matcha Matcha Man® are registered trademarks of Pooki’s Mahi. Komo Kitty, Kafpresso™, The PMO Practice™, Kona KaKao™, Koffee KaKao™, and Kona Kafpresso™are trademarks of Pooki’s Mahi.New Product Launch Introductions, Go To Market Planning, and supply chain frameworks are protected under VA 1-924-170.

          About Pooki’s Mahi:
          Pooki’s Mahi® is a Silicon Valley-based high tech company passionate about combining technology, operations excellence, and digital marketing to consistently launch the best Kona coffee pods, new private label Hawaii Kona coffee Nespresso capsules and custom coffee capsules to market. Pooki's Mahi was launched by Silicon Valley technology executive Founder/CEO Leslie Magsalay-Zeller. Pooki's Mahi owns the supply chain, sourcing the raw materials and global distribution channels. Pooki's Mahi mission is to change current supply chains into a just-in-time (JIT) model by using technology and processes to launch specialty coffees or teas into the market in a sustainable, or recyclable capsule. Certificate of Insurance is required to resell Pooki’s Mahi 100% Kona coffee pods, or Matcha Matcha Man tea capsules.

          Customers partner with Pooki’s Mahi for the efficient supply chain, go to market launch and new product introduction expertise.  Global retailers, professional sports teams, luxury hotel chains, and corporate kitchens sell Pooki's Mahi®. Pooki's Mahi performance-driven executive team are recognized with 150+ protected IP, 100+ exits, and 50+ awards in technology, operations, and supply chain. Pooki's Mahi Kona coffee pods, Matcha Matcha Man® tea capsules, Kapfresso™ Kona coffee capsules has been a favorite of customrees, charities, celebrities and athletes and have have been featured at red carpet events including Celebrity Gift Suites, award shows, and seen on several television shows. 


          Important Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

          This press release contains certain forward-looking statements. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about our perspectives and expectations, are forward-looking statements. The words “expect,” “believe,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan” and similar expressions, when related to the Company and its subsidiaries, indicate forward-looking statements. These statements reflect the current view of management and are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These statements are based on numerous assumptions and factors, including general economic, market, industry, and operational considerations. Any changes to these assumptions or factors may lead to practical results different from current expectations. Undue reliance should not be placed on those statements. Forward-looking statements relate only to the date they were made, and the Company and its subsidiaries undertake no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the time they were made.

          For more information on Komo Kitty℠ private label services, pods pricing, tea pods visit Follow Pooki’s Mahi on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to keep up with news insights to launching private label products. Visit Pooki’s Mahi online policies to learn about zero tolerance. New suppliers and vendors must provide a Certificate of Insurance to Pooki’s Mahi to be considered.



          Contact Information
          Pooki’s Mahi®                                                                                         
          Twitter:  @pookismahi
          Facebook:  @PookisMahi
          Instagram: @pookismahi
          LinkedIn: Pooki's Mahi




          Read Pooki's Mahi official press releaseFollow Pooki’s Mahi on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to keep up with news, or insights to launching private label products.


          Pooki's Mahi best Kona coffee prices are reserved for VIP Distributors Resellers at [center]


          One more benefit of friendship

          Kona Coffee Prices

          Best Kona Coffee

           Pooki's Mahi best Kona coffee subscriptions. [center]

          Kona Coffee Pods Cost Guidelines

          Pooki's Mahi™ passes additional fees to customers who buy from online retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Jet, Overstock, etc. Pooki's Mahi® approved one online retailer to sell our 100% Kona coffee pods close to the Wholesale Coffee Club price.

 pricing:  Cheap Kona coffee prices (subscriptions), lowest Kona coffee price for customers unable to commit to coffee subscriptions (wholesale coffee club), and Refer A Friend programs to earn additional discounts.

          Additional Fees Passed To Customer: Fulfillment (10%), transportation, subscribe 'n save (10%), product listing maintenance/merchandising (15%), lightning deals or discounts (5%). Any fee increase levied by the retailer will be passed to the customer. Customers buying Pooki's Mahi Kona coffee pods on online retailers must pay for Standard or Expedited Shipping. 


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